And Yet Again

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Brother Joe gave a brief word on Sunday which captured more than first appears, especially in these times.  In Psalm 20:6f it reads, “Now this I know: The Lord gives victory to his anointed. He answers him from his heavenly sanctuary with the victorious power of his right hand. Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. They are brought to their knees and fall, but we rise up and stand firm.

We live in a time when governments and ideologies are putting more and more effort into their “defense” and this in terms of armaments and expenditure.  While it is the “first duty” of government to protect its people, it seems to miss this scriptural point.  True defense is in God.

We have seen attacks in the last fortnight in Manchester, Manila, and London.  This in addition to the daily struggles in Syria, Iraq, and other contested regions.  I know I am repeating myself here, as it is almost a mantra for me to note,  that God defends us, not we Him.  So why do we repeatedly see people who profess a total devotion to the Divine, believing they are protecting Him by conducting acts contrary to His directives and nature?

In the end it remains true that “some trust in chariots” or fighter jets, or “asymmetric warfare.” But as people of faith we are called on to trust in God.” Vengeance is His after all.

We are told to go into all the world “making disciples,” not “making enemies.”  Is it easy? No! Does “a tooth for a tooth” have its appeal?  Yes.  But, we are called to build bridges, not destroy them.


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