
It was minuscule

Not at all big

I could easily have be hidden

By the leaf of a fig

Yet she made objection

An unholy fuss

Because some kid dropped a pretzel

Next to her seat on the bus



And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28).

Troubles and stresses

Life’s little messes

You’ve had it up to the neck

When struggling to keep afloat

There is a lifeboat

Where, to meet the challenges,

You are enabled

For He is there by your side

Even at high tide

To make your shifting sands of life

Rock-firm and stable


Thumbs Up

CCC 233

Seven-year-old Alishia and Tammy, her six-year-old sister, returned to the little tangle of bushes that they used as their fairy castle the previous summer. Back in November they had gone to the spot and found it looking very dreary. It was then that they noticed that the lone tree in their little hide-away had shed all its leaves. They had felt sorry for the tree and were afraid it would be cold. The went home and took a scarf and a pair of Dad’s gloves back to the tree. Now, in April they saw the scarf had fallen off, but one of the gloves was still in place.

“I hope it helped,” Tammy said.

“I think it did,” Alishia said. “She’s giving us a thumbs-up.”



She held out her arms to hug me, but I knew this wasn’t my house, and she definitely wasn’t my wife.

“Ma’am, I don’t think that is appropriate,” I said maybe a little too matter-of-factly.

“Oh, Aren’t you the Hug-o-gram guy?” she said, flushing a bit red.

“No Ma’am. I’m from the electric company. I’m here to read the meter.”

“Sorry,” she said. “I sometimes get Hug-o-grams, since my husband passed away. He arranged them to cheer me up and to remind me that he cared. I know it’s silly but it does help a bit.”

“That sounds lovely,” I said not knowing what else to say. What I was really thinking is that the guy must have been some nutcase to send random men to hug his wife.

“Anyway,” she said. “The meter is under the stairs. It’s a bit of a tight squeeze I’m afraid.”

I stooped under the stairs and took the reading.

“Okay Ma’am. All done.”

She looked at me with a really disappointed expression.

I couldn’t help myself, I reached out and gave her a cuddle. “You take care of yourself,” I said.

She just smiled and whispered, “Thank you.”





I sat beside a garden Asian

From my duties seeking evasion

Listening to the water’s trickle

And the bird’s chorused song

Thinking to myself:

“This is where I belong”

But it was a thing not meant to be

As I was reminded when the boss texted me
