Making a Stand

There are those that make a stand

For causes and for reasons they don’t understand

The hysteria of the moment

The movement that’s “in”

Everyone else seems to be doing it

And such reasons akin

Do they stop for a moment,

Consider the cause?

Or do they rush in,

No matter the flaws?

Let us pause to consider

The things we endorse

So sometime in the future

We won’t look back with remorse



Kitten, White, Cat, Cute, Domestic

No, not again – how could you return?

I thought all those bridges I did burn

I sent you to some folks far away

And they said they were glad to have you stay

My eyes are watering

I have to sneeze

Can you just go back and remain there, please?

Okay I admit

You’re kind of cute

It is a fact I can’t dispute

But you are not suppose to be back here

This is not your place – didn’t I make that clear

I have three goldfish now – don’t you go near

Please don’t look at me – in that way

(Achoo) – I guess I’m going to let to stay


Today’s prompt: Begin with the line “No, not again”

New Year

Drape, Single, Mouthpiece, Protection

My wish for the new year

Is the happiness of those I hold near and dear

Times of late have brought spirits low

With lock downs and no place to go

Prices rose, and yet politicians scoffed

While maskless “heroes” hacked and coughed

So at this juncture of a new year

I pray we can leave behind our recent fears


Today’s prompt: Begin a poem with the line

My wish for the new year…


Mixer Tap, Tap, Water, Faucet, Kitchen

Although at times you annoyingly drip

I count on you so I can have a sip

Without you meals would not be the same

And the dishes would stack up and block the drain

Though a small fixture you punch above your weight

But please stop dripping, I can’t concentrate


Tuesday Writing Prompt Challenge: Write about an inanimate object in your home that you can’t do without, but don’t name it